English Terminology


  • Created by: Jamila
  • Created on: 24-03-11 13:41


Accent- Regional pronunciation

Address- the way the writer or speaker talks to audience, formality, respect, status, relationship.

Adajacency pairs- utterance and its response.

Adjactive- describes a noun

Adverb- describes a verb

Alliterartion- repitition of sounds at the begining of the word.

Ananphoric refernce- refers to something metioned before.

Antonym- opposite meanings.

Assonace- rep of the same vowels.

Articulate- fluent and effective

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Chronological- language which gives the order of events

Cliche- this is a saying, idiom or image, has no meaning due to it being overused

Cohenrent- whether it is fluent

Collaboration- when the speakers support eachother

Colloquial- this is non-standard English

Comparatives- adjectives which compare- er or more

Connective- joins main clauses

Connotes- attaches a meaning

Context- the situation

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Declarative- this is statement written as a fact

Denotes- literal meaning

Descriptive language- creates an image, visage

Determiner- I a these provide numbers

Dialogue - This is the conversation

Directive- request

Discoure markers- taking control of the conversation- well, now ect

Dominance- leading the convo

Dramatic language- language which is lively

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E's F's

Elision- omission of the sounds 'can't'

Ellipsis- omission of the words- what yu up 2 (are)

Exclamative - denotes emotion

Feedback- response, utterance

Figuartive language- metaphor, similie, personfication

Filler- words used instead of a pause- yeah

Fluency- coherence

Formal lexis- authority

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H's I's

Hedging- making it sound less serious, hiding true thoughts

Hyperbole- exaggeration

Idiolect- person's disctintive way of speaking

idiom- common expression

Imagery- metaphors ect

Imperative- demand

Inclusive address- we us our

Intiate- start the converstion

Intensifier- very , emphasis

Interrogative- a question

Irony- opposite of reality

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L's O's

Literal- factual

Metaphor- one thing is said to be something else.

Modal verbs- will, shall , ought

Modifier- adjectives

Non- fluency features- false starts, repairs, UI

Non- standard english- Informal

Objective- Not personal

Onomatopoeia - creates the sound

Oxymoron- combination of contradictory words

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P's Q

Pace- speed in which language is spoken

Paradox- statement which appears contradictory

Parenthesis- brackets, dashes, commas, or ellipsis marks - separate info.

Personfication- Something non - human given human qualities

Politeness strategies- avoids causing offence

Prescriptive- focues on what is right and wrong

Pronouns, 1- I, we , you. 2- me, you, him. 3. mine, our, her

Prosodic features- stress, pitch , tone

Questions- closed, open, rhetorica, interrogative, tag.

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R's T's V's

Register- the type and tone

Repair- correction

Rhetoric - dramatic and persuavive

Rhyme - Rhythm

Tone- how it spoken

Vague language- unclear

Voice filled pause- um

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Satire- irony, sarcasm

Sibiliance- words containing hissing

Similie- is like

superlative- adjectives which end in -est or have -most

Synonym- different words same meanings

Synatical parallelism- rep of the same structure

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I think the definitions may be incorrect i.e. Discourse marker isn't 'taking control of the conversation' it shows a change in agenda to generally in the conversation, e.g. 'And so, Any way'. Apologise if I am incorrect.  

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