English Revison

English Revison on Punctuation

  • Created by: Taylor
  • Created on: 13-11-11 13:36


Question marks: A question mark indicates the end of a question e.g What your name ?  you don't need a full stop after a question mark.

Exclamation marks:  An exclamation mark is used to end a dramatic sentence or statement .e.g. Don't put your hand in the fire !

Commas: A comma indicates a natural pause in a sentence and separates items in list .e.g  John, stopped for a moment to considered the junk on his bedroom floor: a football boot, a computer magazine, and his missing homework.

Speech marks: Indicate direct speech i.e. the exact words spoken. single or double inverted commas may be used.e.g ''I like football'' said jimmy

Colons: a  colon precedes an explanation or an example of what has gone before, a list or a quotation.e.g John thought it was his mother's fault : she should have tidied up and found his homework.

Semi- colons:  A semi colons is used to separate two sentence that are related, list of items which have several word, or to divide the clause in a sentence.e.g.  The expedition  may be on or off; it all depends on the weather.

Brackets: Are used to separate extra information from a main sentence or a statement.e.g. Dashes (see below) can also be used to separate extra infromation

Dashes: Are to separate extra information from a main sentence or a statemente.e.g. Emma adjusted the microscope carefully- the controls were delicate- before focusing once more on the tiny leaf.













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