English Moonlight On The Tides

What you can talk about while evaluating the poems in the Moonlight on the Tides Anthology.


Manhunt By Simon Armitage

One thing that you could write about in the poem 'Manhunt' By Simon Armataige is:

Though out 'Manhunt' the poet presents the conrast of physical and mental pain between the narrator and their partner, for example the poem reads "the frozen river which ran though his face" Armitage uses metaphors to create this effect, this particular quote shows that there relationship has been broken in to like river though land. It also shows that there is a frozen barrier between the narrator and there partner, since this metaphore is describing his face it could also be shown to contrast between the man that the narrators husband was and who he is now. To further this the poet uses dark imagery to show how the narrator is in the dark as her husband refused to share his thoughts and feelings.

In a comparrison question about how these poems present love you could add...

This is similar with 'Quickdraw' as the relationship shown in 'The Manhunt' where conflict had ruined the relationship between a man and woman, however we could say that the conflict in 'Manhunt' is different to that in 'Quickdraw' is as in Manhunt the conflict is external where as in Quickdraw the conflict is internal within the relationship.  

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Hour By Carol Ann Duffy

One thing that you could write about in the poem 'Hour' By Carol Ann Duffy is:

 The author introduces the poem by showing the couples lust of one another and how they want more time together, for example the poem reads "Love's times beggar" The poet uses personification to create the effect on the reader that love is always greedy and wants more, this implys that their love is only emphasised by the time restraint as they are forced to spend little time together. This also however has a dark undertone, this is caused by the poem suggesting that the narrators partner has all of the control in the relationship and decides when they can see one another. This gives the poem a darker outlook as they will always have that limit on their relationship.

In a comparisons question about how these poems present love you could add...

This poem is similar to 'Sonnet 43' By Elizabeth Barrett Browning, this is because they both are written in a sonnet form. They both have fourteen lines, this is a common feature of sonnets that are typically about love. However in 'Hour' the lines have an irregular pattern of syllables in each line that contrasts with Sonnet 43.

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Quickdraw By Carol Ann Duffy

One thing that you could write about in the poem 'Quickdraw' By Carol Ann Duffy is:

The start of the poem shows the argument between the couple, the poet uses the phrase "you ring, quick draw/ your voice a pellet in my year" The poet uses western imagery and metaphores to create the illusion that she is prepared for his call to her, also it shows that there argument is unrelenting and painfull. This also shows her preperation as if she had every thing she wants to say lined up. It also shows how the narrator realised that they are not as prepared as they would first have thought, and that she is shocked at what her partner would use against her.

In a comparisons question about how these poems present love you could add...

This poem is contrasting with 'The Farmers Bride' by Charlotte Mew, this is because in The Farmers Bride  the couple portray that they don't communitcate whatsoever where as the couple in 'Quickdraw' have no problem argueing as they already know everything about one another and are prepared to use it to their advantage. 

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Ghazal By Carol Ann Duffy

One thing that you could write about in the poem 'Quickdraw' By Carol Ann Duffy is:

The narrator opens the poem by describing her relationship with her partner, it reads "If I am the grass and you the breeze, blow though me.". In this description the poet uses comparison and repetition, the comparison shows how in their relationship she is quite passive and follows his orders or requests, I can imply this because the metaphors used show that she is easily 'swayed'. Also that she may like him being more powerful than her as she almost requests it, but the repetition of "If I" shows her insecurity in what she says. This could also be seen as a show of her fear.

In a comparisons question about how these poems present love you could add...

This contrasts with Sonnet 43 by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, this is because the repetition of "if I" suggests that the narrator is quite insecure in "Ghazal" where as in Sonnet 43 there is continuous repetition of "I love thee" is a show of confident and admiration to her partner.

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Sonnet 43 By Elizabeth Barrett Browning

One thing that you could write about in the poem "Sonnet 43" By Elizabeth Barrett Browning is:

During "Sonnet 43" by Elizabeth Barrett Browning, the poet shows the strength of her love for her partner, for example "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height, My soul can reach". The narrator shows this love though the use of numerical imagery  and repetition, the repetition of "I love thee" emphasis's the purity of their love as she loses no metaphors to describe it, this shows that she is determined that these are her feeling and they are true. The attempt to put numerical value on their love, shows that there is no limit as you cannot describe the value of love in numbers.

In a comparisons question about how these poems present love you could add...

This contrasts with "Ghazal" as in that poem the couple's love is a painful, unrequited love, for example "If yours is the iron fist" this shows the narrators partners control over her. Whereas in Sonnet 43 the couple are equal and in total love for each other with no but's or maybe's.

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The Farmers Bride By Charlotte Mew

One thing that you could write about in the poem The Farmers Bride By Charlotte Mew is:

During The Farmers Bride by Charlotte Mew she uses figurative language in stanzas 2,3 and 4, the poem reads "We chased her flying, like a hare". The poet uses animal imagery and similes, these create the effect that the narrator is breaking his wife down so she is completely and utterly dependent on him. It can also be used to show how the couple have no relationship as they cannot communicate.

In a comparisons question about how these poems present love you could add...

This is similar to "Quickdraw" as both use classic imagery to present the communication differences between two couples, where in "quickdraw" the imagery makes the relationship seem violent and as if its their last chance. Whereas in "The farmers bride" they seem to have no communication at all, therefore it is like a language barrier between the couple.

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