English Media and Non-Fiction Devices

These are devices used in Media and Non-Fiction Texts and explanations of what they are used for.

  • Created by: Helen
  • Created on: 02-05-11 13:38


Informs the reader of the topic and is usually eye-catching.

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Short Paragraphs

These make the text easier to read and are usually linked to the audience.

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Longer Paragraphs

These allow for more complex issues to be discussed and are often linked to the audience.

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These are usually eye-catching, they are used to structure the text and break it up into clear sections.

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Bullet Points

These make the writers ideas clearer on the page.

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These are eye-catching and support the ideas of the writer.

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These are eye-catching and support the ideas and/or link to the audience through the shape.

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Usually eye-catching and support the writer's ideas through their connations.

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Rhetorical Questions

These give the reader little choice but to agree.

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Emotive Language

These make the reader feel in a way which will lead them to support the ideas of the writer.

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These make the key ideas clear.

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These make the key ideas memorable.

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These accompany an image and can affect the way in which the reader responds to an image.

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Short Sentences

Usually hard-hitting, they highlight the key point and are often linked to purpose and audience.

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Longer Sentences

These allow for more complex issues to be discussed.

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These support the writer's agruement and make it seem more truthful.

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These support the writer's arguement and can be very important if they are the opinion of an expert.

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These create a vivid image for the reader.

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Colloquial Language

This is everyday words/phrases which are more informal or chatty and give the text a more conversational tone.

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Persuasive Language

This convinces the reader to support the writer's viewpoint.

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These give a text a playful/critical mood.

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These are short and catchy phrases which highlight key ideas.

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This creates a mood to match the purpose and audience.

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Adjectives emphasise how good something is. Verbs highlight an exciting activity. Both are often linked to purpose and audience.

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When the writer says one thing but means another. It is often used to criticise or mock another person or their ideas.

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