English Language Frameworks (2)

Defintions for Key Grammar and Syntax terms

  • Created by: Isabelle
  • Created on: 22-04-11 18:20

Grammar and Syntax

1. Auxiliary verb

2. Primary auxiliary

3. Modal auxiliary verb

4. Actor

5. Agency

6. Active voise

7. Passive voice

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Grammar and Syntax

1.  a verb that supporters / helps another

2. used to denote tense changes

3. used to express possibility / probability / certainty / neccessity / obligation - will, would, can, should, must, may, might

4. Individaul responsible for action

5. cause of the action

6. Includes actor / agent

7. omits an actor / agent - or includes agent as part of a prepositional phrase after the verb

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Grammar and Syntax

1. Ditransitive verb

2. Monotransitive verb

3. Intrasitive verb

4. simple sentence

5. Compound sentence

6. Complex senteces

7. Compound - Complex setence

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Grammar and Syntax

1. verb that requires two objects

2. a verb that only requires one object

3. a verbs such as 'yawned' that has no object

4. setence consisting of one main clause

5. Sentence containt two/(+) main clauses, connected by coordiating conjunctions / puncuation

6. contains main clause and subordinate clause(s)

7. contains atleast two main clauses and atleast one subordinate clause

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Grammar and Syntax

1. Declarative sentence

2. Interrotagive sentence

3. Imperative sentence

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Grammar and Syntax

1. Telling sentence mood

2. Asking sentence mood

3. Inviting, demanding sentence mood

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