English Language Categorising Texts


Step One

Choose a linguistic feature that 2-4 texts share.

1 of 14


The vocabulary system; meaning at word and phrase level (includes semantics)

2 of 14


The structural relationships within and between sentences and utterances

3 of 14


The sounds of English, how they are produced and are described; includes prosody

4 of 14


The ways in which social conventions/ implied meanings are encoded in spoken and written language

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  • longer stretches of text, looking particularly at aspects of cohesion
  • The way a text creates identities for particular individuals, groups or institutions e.g. The discourse of law, politics, the media
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Language as a semiotic system creating meaning through textual design, signs and images

7 of 14


Situational variation and register: how language varies in relation to audiences, purposes and contexts

8 of 14


How language may vary as a consequence of the channel of communication (speech, writing and mixed modes)

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The language style acquired by individuals as a result of their personal characteristics, systems of belief and social experience

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The variations in language produced as a result of local community and regional diversity

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Language variations produced by the effects of education, socio-economic class, systems of belief, occupation and membership of social groups

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Step 2

Find examples of this particular linguistic feature in action and give them as EXAMPLES

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Step three

Show your understanding of the groupings by explaining why they have used the feature and subtle differences between their usages

14 of 14




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