English Lang/Lit Section A Unseen Texts


Newspaper Articles

Newspaper Articles 

Public context with a tareted audience

Types? Feature, reportage, investigative, opinion piece, daily news 

Articles can vary depending on the viewpoint - Subjective, objective, factual, opinionated, polemical

Texts closer to the 18th Century tend to have more language devices e.g. triadic structure, the writing is more crafted

Articles from a more modern time period are usually more factual and objective (unless it comes under the genre of an opinion piece) 

Articles can often use rhetoric to fulfil a persuasive purpose 

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Public context with an unknown audience

Most contain personal opinion, anecdotes etc.

Written to fulfil the purpose of entertainment

Convey the authors viewpoint (strong sense of attitudes, values and ideas)

Often have larrge amount of linguistic devices to entertain (book format)

Use quotes from interview etc. to legitimise 

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Travel Writing

Travel Writing

Public context with an unknown audience

The purpose being to review and inform

Can often be persuasive and entertaining 

Travel writing can come in multiple forms - articles, blogs, books, journals

Depending on who the text is being written for, can be objective or subjective e.g. individual travel writers include their opinion

Conventions? Detailed, anneddotal, opinionated, personal, topics of culture 

Mostly written in the past tense

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Speeches (Live or Broadcast)

Intended to have a listening audience

Sentences are crafted to simpler structures and vocabulary to sound spontaneous

Punctuation can indicate a pause to the reader and set the rhythm and pace

Para linguistic features (body language) can be taken into consideration

Prosodic features are often shown in the syntax (tone, pitch, pace)

Usually have a strong use of rhetoric to fulfil persuasive purpose

Rhetoric also creates rhythm and shapes how it sounds to an audience

They are purposefully written to sound spontaneous 

Public speeches should have a key message per paragraph (everthing is said for a reason) 

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