
Parts of speech, Figures of speech, Grammar, Punctuation.

  • Created by: GG
  • Created on: 16-05-12 11:48


Adjectives are describing words.

e.g. Big, Massive, Ugly

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An adverb tells us how, when or where an action takes place.

e.g. She walked grudgingly.

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Alliteration is the repetition of consonant sounds, usually at the start of a word.

e.g. The grumpy, grizzly, grinning girl.

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An antonym is a word that is opposite in meaning to the given word.

e.g. Male-Female

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The apostrophe has two main purposes. 

 The first is to show ownership.

e.g. It was the girl's car.

The second is to show where one or more letters are missed out in a contraction(making two words into one)

e.g. Couldn't - Could not.

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Assonance is the deliberate repetition of the same vowel sound followed by different consonant sound.

e.g. "I must confess that in my quest I felt depressed and restless."

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Brackets are most commonly used to include extra information within a sentence.

e.g. I wish I had my glasses(I had left them at home),I will have to read without them.

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Capital letter

Every new sentence must start with a capital letter.

e.g. I said goodbye to her. She was crying.

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Collective Noun

a noun that refers to a group or collection of similar people, animals or things.

e.g. A pride of lions.

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The colon(:) introduces more information or shows divisions.

e.g. To buy at Woolworth:..............

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The comma tells the reader when to take a short pause.

e.g. I said hello, she said goodbye.

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A type of adjective that compares one thing to another.

e.g it is prettier than......

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A conjunction is is a word that joins words and sentences.

e.g. I miss you and want to see you soon.

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The dash has three main purposes.

The first is to indicate a sudden change of thought.

e.g. i want you to-oh never mind

The second is to lead to the unexpected.

e.g. i brought a beautiful ring- it looks good on my pig. 

The third is to give extra information.

e.g. she said-and she is always right-that dashes are often used incorrectly

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Direct speech

This means the exact words that someone has spoken and are shown by speech marks " ".

e.g. "i hate you!"i screamed at her.

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Exclamation mark

An exclamation mark used at the end of a sentence which shows strong emotion.

e.g. "I hate you!"

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Full Stop

A full stop brings and end to a sentence.

e.g. I am so cool.

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Hyphens are used to join two or more words to make a compound word and to divide words at the end of a line.

e.g Boy-friend, sister-in-law.



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A metaphor is where one thing is said to be another.

e.g. she was a cheetah when she ran.

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A noun is a naming word. There are many types of noun.

Proper noun are nouns which refer to a specific person. place, object or period of time.

e.g Eleanor(name), England(place).

Common Noun is a noun that is a general person,place, object or period of time.

e.g. Teacher/ school.

Compound noun is a noun that is two words connected which make a thing which is a person, place or thing.

e.g. Rainbow/ classroom

Abstract nouns refer to qualities or things we cannot see.

e.g. Hate, Humour, Hunger

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The purpose of the paragraph is to show a change of speaker during dialogue, to show other important changes or group sentences that have something in common.

e.g. "I love you" i said

"What?" she cried. (change in speaker)

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Onomatopoeia is when the sound of the word imitate or suggests the meaning or noise of the action described.

e.g. I hit him, hard. Smack!

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Personification is when a non-living or non-human thing is given living or human characteristics. 

e.g The pencil was being lazy and did not want to write.

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A pronouns are used instead of nouns when referring to people or things. 

e.g. He, she

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A prefix is a group of letters added to the beginning of a word to change its meaning or form a new word.

e.g. Sypathetic- unsypathetic.

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A prepostion is a word that tells us where(position or place) something happened.

e.g. The cat sat on the dog

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Question Mark

A question mark is used to show a direct question has been asked.

"What?" she screamed.

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Scanning invovles quickly searching through a piece of writing looking for a specific thing rather than reading the text word for word.

Tips: You can use your finger to follow the page, it may help. Also know what you are looking for in the page.

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A semi-colon has two uses.

One is used to break up long sentences and lists.

e.g. I enjoy my cat; she doesn't talk back; she cleans herself; she feeds herself; and she is nice to cuddle.

The other is to join clauses closely related.

e.g. My dog loves milk; my cat loves water.

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A simile is a phrase that compares two things, uses the words 'like' or 'as'.

e.g. She ran like a cheetah.

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Simple Sentence

A simple sentence is a group of words, including a verb which makes sense on its own.

e.g. My mother eats cake.

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Skimming is used to 'skim read' a written text to see if it includes any relevant information which may be useful to  the task in hand. it saves you time as you do not hae to read the whole piece.

Tips: use your finger to help you.

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Speech Marks

Speech marks are used you show the words being said by the speaker.

e.g." I told you to leave, dad" I screamed.

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A suffix is one or more letters added to the end of a word to change its meaning.

e.g. give-giver

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A superlative is a type of adjective that compares one thing to all the others.

e.g. Prettiest

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A synonym is a word identical or similar in meaning to another word.

e.g. Beautiful-stunning

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a verb is a doing word, an action.

e.g. Eating, Learning, Playing

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Auxilary verbs

An auxillary verb is a word tell when in time it was done. (tense)

e.g. was, is, were

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There are two different types of article.

A definite article is definitley correct. the only definite article is 'The', it is that dog not any other. specific.

e.g. 'The', The dog from next door.

A indefinite is a thing, not that one. unspecific

e.g. 'a, an', A dog from next door.

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