English: The Slab Boys quotes


Character: Phil

Curry " your a callow ******* McCann" 

Phil was making a joke about his mothers "accident" and it came across that Phil doesn't care hence Curry saying thar he was a "callow *******" however; this is an example of the dark humour used in teh play to show Phil's coping mechanism from escaping the horrible aspects of his life like his mothers mental illness. 

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Theme: Social Class

Sadie says " That boy could learn you savages a thing or too. You stick in son... you'll go places." 

Sadie is impressed by Alan's good mannors and disgusted by Phil and Spanky's working class disrespect. She ecourages Alan to aspire to great things and make the most of his good qualties not stay in a dead end jon like Phil and Spanky. 

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Character: Jack

Jack says " Some of us take pride in what we do" and accuses Phil and Spanky of being "pea green"

Jack thinks that that Phil and Spanky are jealous of him being a desginer. throughout the play we see that Jack is dedicated to his work and and critises Phil and Spanky's negative attitude. 

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Theme: Social Class

Spanky says "Thought that was normal down your way?" 

In the play we find out that Phil's mother suffers from mental health issues and Spanky injects dark humour to suggests that what Phils mother did wasn't normal. This continues the idea that phil is from a background of poor dysfunctional working class family. 

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Theme: Attitudes to work

Phil says to Alan " You haven't been drinking have you?" 

This shows that Alan is a keen worker and Phil isn't. Humour is used here to show that the only way that Phil thinks that working attitude would be acceptable if you were drunk. This shows the differences in rebels and conformists. 

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Theme: Rebellion and Conformity

Phil says " You must be joking! Whose permission do I need?" 

Phil is a rebellious charcter and resfuses to follow orders. Phil is enraged when Curry suggests that he should of got permission to have applied for Art School.  

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Theme: Dreams and Reality

Phil says " Giotto was a slab boy" 

At the end of the play Phil was further than ever from achieving his dreams but still remains positive. The example of Giotto rising from nothing to artistic greatness gives phil hope. 

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Theme: Dreams and Reality

Jack says " There's a real world out there. Some of us have to live in it." 

Jack is unimpressed with Phil's attitude to work as he has worked hard to achieve his goals. Suggests that the characters often struggle between dreams and reality. 

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Theme: Humor and Bullying


Jack is mocked for his acne " plooky chops" 

Hector is insulted for his size " pygmy minimus" 

Spanky is insulted for his lack of artistic talent " youv'e got trouble drawing water from that tap over there." 

This shows the humour in the play used by several character can be ver insulted and shows the reality of there lives. 

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Character: Spanky

" wait till I get my desk... just wait!" 

At the end of the play spanky's siuation is completley unchanged as he is still just a slab boy. However he shows his ambition by carrying on and accepting his role but still waiting for his situation to change. 

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Character: Hector

" No palming me off with sub-standard shades Farrell" 

At the end of the play Hector got his promotion and is the only slab boy to have his dreams fulfilled. This quote supports the idea that Hector turns the table on Phil and Spanky and is not the same victimised character that the audience have seen as he is ready to expert power over his colleages. 

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