English Language word defintions



Diacronic: a change that has occured over time. 

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Synchronic: change that occurs at a specific moment.

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Vowels: with a vowel or vowel sound, the breath has an uniterrupted passage through the mouth.

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Consonant: with a consonant, the breath is interrupted as it passes through the mouth by the teeth, lips, tongue and hard and soft palates.

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What is the function of an adverbial phrase?

What is the function of an adverbial phrase?

To modify a verb. Temporal-time, place and manner.

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What does discourse structure refer to?

What does discourse structure refer to?

How a text is structured.

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What is the function of a preposition?

What is the function of a preposition?

Tells you where something is, i.e, on, inside, above, etc.

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What does syntax refer to?

What does syntax refer to?

The arrangement of words.

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Accent: how we shape vowel sounds. Sounds of the words spoken, specifically vowel sounds.

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Dialect: specific words to an area-actual words spoken from different areas.

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Idiolect: a specific persons dialect-different to anyone else's. 

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