English Language Questions

  • Created by: Emmi Bea
  • Created on: 02-06-16 09:46

Question 1 Section A

8 marks \ 12 minutes

'What do we learn about...'

Show your ability to work out information and follow an argument/opinion. 

Work out what the writer is saying and put it into your own words with embedded quotes.

DO NOT analyse language. 

You need to show that you understand source 1.

Be perceptive - beyond obvious (pick out something clever)

Look for subtleties and inconsistencies (eg. contradiction)

What is the article saying? - It is saying this.....

However... - (subtle point) - perceptive. 

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Question 2 Section A

8 marks \ 12 mins 

'Explain how the headline and picture are effective and how they link to the text'

Say a lot about a little. 

50% answer = language analysis of HEADLINE

50% answer = analysis of COLOUR, FONT AND PICTURE.

Link what you say to what the text is about.

Perceptive points = AVOIDING THE OBVIOUS.

Focus on the tiny details, choose a detail that not everyone will spot.

'The picture is effective for a number of reasons... '

(Suggest obvious... -  However.....)

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Question 3 Section A

8 marks \ 12 minutes 

'Explain the thoughts and feelings... / how the text is exciting'


You need to show you can identify thoughts and feelings in the text and embed quotations to support what you say. 

Cover the whole text. Show how they change in text.

Thoughts and Feelings (don't choose thoughts otherwise you'll just paraphrase the text)

Think of an adjective - summarises that part of the text and then find evidence for this.

Put an adjective next to each paragraph.

Comment on other things apart from language (eg. sentence length.) eg. when writer is overwhelmed - long sentences and when 'out of breath' - blunt and short.

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Question 4 Section A

16 marks \ 24 minutes  IMPORTANT QUESTION

'COMPARE how the writer has used language for effect in TWO texts'

Say a lot about a little. You must choose words and techniques closely.

Analyse the effect of them in detail. Compare it with another text.

Name and Explain techniques used. 

COMPARE and the effect created: Similar or different?

Use GAP LIST (Genre, Audience, Purpose, Language, Imagery, Structure and Tone)

Look for humour, irony, satire and structure of techniques. 

(Look for the 'fact trick' : if you put something persuasive between two facts it makes the opinion seem authoritative and accurate. eg. 60% of people who smoke go on to develop cancer. Smoking is a disgusting habit. 9/10 teenagers have tried a cigarette.)

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Question 5 Section B

16 marks \ 24 minutes 


eg. Describe your favourite weather condition and Explain why it is.

Use techniques for describing and explaining.


Use: Imagery, Metaphors, Similes, Adjectives, Personification, Onomatopeia. 

Be really gooey and don't be frightened of lush descriptions. BUT KEEP IT FORMAL.

Write about 1.5 pages.

Paragraph, Spell and Punctuate properly. 

Use interesting words for effect. 

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Question 6 Section B

24 Marks \ 36 Minutes 


Use techniques such as rhetorical questions, facts, rule of 3 etc.

Use DAFOREST (Direct address, Alliteration, Facts, Opinions, Rhetorical questions, Emotive language, Statistics, Three (power of three).

Write about 2-2.5 sides.

Write to the correct person and the correct style. (eg, a letter to a school headmaster - formal)


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