Energy Systems

Energy Sources and Systems


ATP-PC System

  • Used in short duration, high in tenisity.
  • availible for 10 seconds.
  • Phosphocreatine breaks down into Pi + C + Energy.
  • Energy is used to convert ADP into ATP
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Lactate Anaerobic System

Once PC is depleted, the lactate anaerobic system regenerates ATP from Glucose.

  • Glucose is stored in muscles and liver as glycogen.
  • Glycogen has to be converted to glucose before it can be used.

Process is Glycolysis

  • Glucose molecule is broken down into 2 molecules of pyruvic acid
  • Which is converted into lactic acid by lactate dehydrogenase
  • Energy released makes 2 molecules of ATP

Provides energy for high intensity activities lasting up to 3 minutes

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Aerobic System

Breaks Glucose into Carbon Dioxide and Water. The complete process can produce 38 molecules of ATP :

1) Glycolysis - Occurs in the presence of Oxygen. Lactic Acid is not produced and the pyruvic acid is converted into Acetyl Co A.

2) Krebs Cycle - Acetyl Co A bonds with oxaloacetic acid forming citric acid. Produces 2 molecules of ATP + CO2 and hydrogen, which is take into the ETC.

3) Electron Transport Chain - Hydrogen carried in by Hydrogen Carriers, occurs in cristae. Hydrogen splits into H+ and electrons. Hydrogen ions are oxidised to form water, electrons give energy to resynthesise ATP, 34 molecules of ATP are formed.

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Glycogen to Glucose = 2 ATP, to Pyruvic Acid = Lactic Acid, to Acetyl Co A + Oxaloacetic Acid = Citric Acid + 2 ATP + CO2 + H2, into ETC, H2 = H+ + H2O + 34 ATP

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Energy Continuum

States that in a game, all 3 energy system will be used, and energy systems will move from one to another.

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