Energy resources

  • Created by: anna9086
  • Created on: 29-05-17 19:58

Energy Resources

Enviromental impacts of renewable energy resources

Hydro Power - Loss of habitats and reserviors

Tidal barrages- Altering habitats of sea creatures

Bio fuels-Forest has to be cleared to make room to grow bio fuels

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Energy Resources

Relaibility of energy sources

Solar energy- Relaible in sunny countries

Geo thermal- Relaible and does liitle damage to the enviroment

Hydropower- No reliability problem useless there is a drought

Wave power - Unreliable because waves die out when the wind stops.

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Energy Resources

Renewable energy

Never runs out

E.g sun, wind, tide, geothermal

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Energy Resources

Uses of energy resources

Hydro power- Generates electricity ona smaller scale to more remote areas

Solar cells- Generate electricity on a smaller scale

Geo thermal- heat buildings directly

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Energy Resources

Energy resources

Wind- Envolves wind turbines placed in exposed areas. No pollutution. The wind turbines can stop though

Geothermal- Energy in underground thermal stores. It can be used to generate electricity or to heat buildings directly. Aren't many suitable locations. The cost of power stations plants are high.

Hydroeletricty- Requires flooding by building dams. Water allowed out by turbines with no pollution. Impact on the enviroment with rotting vegetation and loss oh habitat. It can provide immidiate help to increase water demand. 

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