Energy and Resources

  • Created by: alfredb
  • Created on: 12-03-18 13:50

Energy and Resources

Energy key notes:

Energy is the ability to "do some work" - everything that happens needs energy (e.g. heating; cooking; lighting; movement of vehicles; and keeping us alive)!

Energy cannot be created or destroyed, only transferred from place to place in a variety of ways.

1. electrical energy - a current in a circuit etc.

2. light energy - from the sun; a light bulb etc.

3. sound energy - from a loudspeaker; a drum etc.

4. kinetic (movement) enrgy - anything which moves!

5. nuclear energy - transferred during a nuclear energy.

6. thermal (heat) energy - transferred from hot objects to colder ones.

7. radiant heat (infa red) energy - transferred as electromagnetic radiation by hot objects to

colder ones.

8. gravitational potential energy - possessed by anything that has the ability to fall.

9. elastic potential energy - stretched springs; elastic and rubber bands etc.

10. chemical energy - possessed by food; fuels; batteries etc.

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