Elizabeth I - Catholicism

  • Created by: KingLou99
  • Created on: 30-04-17 15:13

Elizabeth I - Catholicism

  • Attitude of toleration towards Catholics in early years of reign
  • 1559 Act of Supremacy laid down fines for recusants
  • Most Catholics conformed and obeyed law -> Catholic bishops refused to conform to 1559 Oath of Supremacy
  • 1569 Northern Rebellion provoked punitive attitude
  • 1570 Pope Pius V excommunicated Elizabeth and asked Catholics to despose her

Penal laws against Catholics

  • 1571 Act made publication of papal bulls treasonable
  • 1581 Act to retain the Queen's Majesty's Subjects in their Due Obedience -> treason to withdraw allegiance to Queen of Church of England = saying mass punishable by heavy fine or imprisonment -> fine for recusants raised to 20 pound a month -> 15 Catholic priests executed 1581-82
  • 1585 Act against Jesuits and Seminary Priests = treasonable for priests under Pope's authority to enter England -> 123 priests convicted + executed 1586-1603
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Elizabeth I - Catholicism #2

  • Tightening legislation due to international position + Philip II + fear of Catholic rebellion
  • October 1584 pressures against Catholics reinforced by 'Bond of Association for the Preservation of the Queen's Majesty's Royal Person' = those who took oath could execute anyone who attempted to usurp Crown

Catholic missions

  • 1568 college founded in Spanish Netherlands = train Catholics priests sent to England to maintain Catholic faith -> 1575 11 Seminary priests in England -> 1580 about 100 -> 1580-85 179 arrived
  • Society of Jesus sent Jesuit priests to England 1580 = dedicated to restoring Catholicism in England
  • Success of the missions was limited -> priests associated more with protectors than 'ordinary people' = Catholicism became 'country-house religion' than popular faith in 1560s
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