ELang 4 General Terminology

Some of the features of grammar within English Language


Word Classes

Proper Nouns - Naming words

Adverbs - IT modifies a verb, adjective or another adverb

Concrete Nouns - physical objects

Abstract Nouns - feelings and emotions

Preposition - the relationship between two objects

Dynamic Verbs - A progressive action of the subject

Modal Auxilliary Verb - They show the possibility of an action

Comparative Adjective - Eg. Bigger

Superlative Adjective - Eg. Biggest

Stative Verbs - refer to a state or condition

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Sentance Structures and types

Simple Sentances - Only contain 1 clause

Compound Sentances - Usually contain 2 seperate clauses compounded

Complex Sentances - Uses many clauses which may be dependant on each other

Usual Syntactical Order - English = Subject/ Verb/ Object

Unusual Syntax = Deviating from the S/V/O order

Interrogative - A sentance asking a question

Exclamatory - A sentance showing much emotion (uses ! at the end)

Declarative - A sentance which is simply a statement

Imperative - A command or order

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Misc Terminology

Hyperbole - an overexaggeration

Ennumerators - Numbers showing nouns "140 people"

Misanthropic - Not liking people

Polysemic - Taking meanings differantly

Passive Sentances - Sentances which remove or delay the subjects involvement

Syndetic List - a list containing "and/but/or"

Asyndetic List - A list without a conjunction

Co-Ordinating Conjunction - "And"

Contrasting Conjunction - "But"

Juxtoposition - Showing two extremes "tall and short"

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Noun phrase - Part of a sentance containing the noun

verb phrase - Part of a sentance containing the verb

object phrase - Part of a sentance containing the object

compliment phrase - It isnt acted on by the subject, its the same thing

subordinate clause - If it contains a verb which cant stand alone


Pre modification - Adjectives before the subject

Post modification - Adjectives after the subject

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