Effects of the treaty of versailles


Effects of the treaty of versailles- War guilt

  • This clause was simple but seen as extremely harsh by the Germans
  • Germany had to accept the blame for starting the war
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Effects of the treaty of versailles- Reparations

  • The major powers agreed without consulting Germany that Germany had to pay reparations to the Allies for the damage caused by the war.
  • The exact figure was not agreed until 1921 when it was set at £6,600,000,000- an enormous figure.
  • if terms of the payment had not been changed under the Young plan in 1929, Germany would not have finished paying this bill until 1984.
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Effects of the treaty of versailles- German territ

  • Germany's overseas empire was taken away.
  • It had been one of the causes of bad relations between Britain and Germany before war.
  • Former German colonies became Mandates controlled by the leauge of nations which effectively meant that Britain and France controlled them.
  • Germany's European borders were very extensive and section dealing with former German territories was a complicated part of the treaty.
  • In addition, The treaty also forbade Germany to join together with its former ally Austria.
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Effects of the treaty of versailles- Germany's arm

  • The size and power of the German army was a major concern of all the powers, especially France.
  • The treaty restricted German armed forces to a level well below what it'd been before the war
  • The army was limited to 100,000 men
  • Conscription was banned- soldiers had to be volunteers
  • Germany was not allowed armoured vehicles, submarines or aircraft
  • The Navy could only build 6 battleships
  • The Rhineland became a demilitarised zone
  • This meant that no German troops were allowed there.
  • It was important because it was bordering Germany and France
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Effects of the treaty of versailles- League of nat

  • Previous methods of keeping peace failed so the league of nations was set up as an international "police force".
  • Germany was not invited to join the league of natiosn until it had shown it was a peace-loving country.
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