Educational Policy


Development of state education

Tripatite system: 1944, two types of secondary school decided by the 11+ exam:  grammar schools or secondary modern (more practical skills based).

The comprehensive system: 1965 state whent comprehensive 

- Functionalists: see comprehensives as meroticratic and promote integration

- Marxists: reproduces inequality through streaming and labelling, legitmates inequality through the myth of meritocracy

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Introducing a market force in consumer choice and competition in areas run by the state (education) creating an education market. 

Parentocracy: claims marketisation gives parents more choice  and raises standards

The reproducation of inequality:

- League tables: good scjols can cream skim for the best students/ bad schools end uo w unacademic pupils cus of silt shifting 

- The funcding formula: funded based on pupils recruitment, so bad schools are stuck w bad facilities and so no more money to improve 

- Myth of perentocracy: marketisation legitimates inequality by making it seem all parents can eqaully choose the best schools. 

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Conservative Policies since 2010

Conservative policies have aimed to move away from the comprehensive sysem, and reducing the role of the state through marketisation and privetisation. 

Privatisation: state is no longer the provider of education, but private trusts

  • Academies: removing schools from state rule, removes democraic accountability
  • Free schools: state funded but run by parents, teachers, religions or buisnesses 

Privatisation of education:

- Blurring he public-private boundary: senior public sector employees (i.e headteahcers) move into private to give inside information

- Cola-isation of schools: private sector sells to pupils through vending machines and develops brand loyalty

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Ethnicity Policies

70s: aim to assimilate (e.g. language as a second language programm)

80s: multi-cultral eductaion (e.g. black studies in mainstreme curriculum)

10s: social inclusion (legal duties on inclusion)

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