Education and Research methods

  • Created by: Zaradefr
  • Created on: 05-06-17 18:48

Functionalist names

Durkheim - Social solidarity- education prepares young for the specialisation of labour

Parsons - Secondary socialisation - meritocracy - it shows society in miniture 

Davis and Moore - Role allocation - society through education allocates children their roles in society based on their performance in school. 

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Althusser -  Ideological state apparatus - state controls the masses through ideologies taught in schools, government and work.

- Repressive state apparatus - state control via police and military 

Education performs 2 Functions:

- reproduction of inequality

- legitimation of inequality.

Bowles and Gintis - Correspondence Principle - there are symetries between work and schools e.g hierarchy, reward punishment etc. 

- hidden curriculum

- myth of meritocracy

Willis - learning to labour - w/c boys rebel against school because they dont want to work hard which leads to them failing or ending up in manual work.

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Names in class differences + achievement

Bernstein - speech codes :

- restricted = short sentences, simple language, non complex structure = w/c

- Elaborate = long, complex structures high level words and intellectual arguments = middle/ruling class

Feinstien- Parents own education is most important factor in childrens achievement 

Bourdieu - Cultrual capital - m/c are more successful in education because parents have more Cultural capital e.g more experiences and better upbringing.

Becker - Labelling - m/c children are seen as the ideal pupil. W/c pupils suffer not meeting expectations. 

Ingram - W/c gramma school boyes are outsiders at school (dont fit in) but also dont fit in at home trying to fit into two environments. Therefore even when w/c gt opportunity at better education they still fail. 

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Names in Gender + achievement

Sharpe - Girls aspirations have changed since the 1970's when they wanted family and children to the 1990's where they are more focused on doing well in ducation and then pursuing careers.

Beck - independance valued more now and a career is part of a womens life.

Fuller - some girls aim high but w/c girls with poor job prospects end up married with children.

Mitsos + Browne - girls do better then boys in because they do better at courswork because they are more consciencious

Sewell - schools no longer nurture masculine traight, education has become feminised

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Names in Ethnicity + achievement

Engelmann - language of poor black American families is disjointed so holds children back in achievement.

Murray - lack of male male role models leads to under achievement.

Sewell - chinese + indian families benefit from a supportive family. 

   - lack of fatherly nurture in black boys underachievement.

Gillborn + Miraz - in one area black pupils were the highest achievers in primary yet when they got to GCSE's they fell below average. 

Mac an Ghaill - Black/Asian students rejected negative labels. 

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