Earth structure & plate movement

  • Created by: cowsgomoo
  • Created on: 04-03-18 15:34

Earth's structure


  • Surface layer - habitable
  • 8 - 65km thick


  • Forms half of the earth (biggest section)
  • Made of heavy rock
  • 2900km thick
  • Solid but acts as a liquid

Core (Inner and outer)

  • Mainly iron
  • Outer core is liquid and 2200km thick
  • Inner core is solid and 1260km thick
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Earth's structure (2)

How do we know the Earth is like this?

  • Direct evidence - Rocks from volcanos, waves
  • Inderict evidence - Meteors from space

How hot is the inner core? - 6000 degrees celsius. Same temperature as the surface of the sun

How many techtonic plates are there? - 14

How is Earth's magnetic field generated? - Molten metal moving within the Earth

Is the Earth's magnetic field a good thing? - Yes as it protects us from harmful sun particles

Earthquakes and volcanoes occur most frequently where plate boundaries meet.

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Plate movement theories

Theory 1: Sea-level rise theory

The land hasn't moved, oceans have flooded areas of land and volcanoes have been creating new rocks, therefore changing the shape and position of the continents.

Theory 2: Convection current theory

  • The core is 6000 degrees celsius
  • Heated rock from the mantle rises as it is less dense
  • Semi molten rock spreads out in the mantle carrying tectonic plates
  • Magma cools down and sinks back down to be reheated

Theory 3: Ridge push and slab pull theory

  • Ocean ridges rise high above the ocean floor and volcanic lava erupts
  • As the lava cools it becomes more dense and slides down the ocean ridge
  • When a denser plate sinks into the mantle under the force of gravity, it pulls the rest of the plate along behind it.
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