DT Wood



Wood and its products can be seperated into 3 categories.


All are produced from naturally growing trees but MANUFACTURED BOARDS ARE MAN-MADE using natural timber BUT THEY ARE NOT CLASSED AS WOOD.

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  • Warmer climates
  • Hardwoods mainly grow in the southern hemisphere of the world, often tropical climate
  • .Grow slowly, reaching maturity in about 70 years.
  • Thousands of species Grown in places like Europe, New Zeland and Japan.
  • Most lose their leaves each year
  • Generally more durable than softwoods.
  • Wider variety of colour and texture.
  • Exotic woods made into veneers allowing greater use of limited supplies.
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  • Colder climates.
  • Mainly grow in northern hemisphere.
  • Grow quickly reaching maturity in around 30 years.
  • Trees with needle like leaves.
  • Straight trunks meaning less waste.
  • Often grow in managed forests.
  • Cheaper than hardwoods.
  • Waste is used for manufactured boards and paper.
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Timbers- Hardwood

OAK : Hardwood. From Europe, Japan & USA. Very hard, tough, strong and durable. Little shrinkage. Contains acid that corrodes steel.Easy to work. Used for garden benches quality furniture.

MAHOGANY: Hardwood. From American and Africa. Durable, good finish, prone to warping, fairly easy to work. Used in window frames and interior furniture.

BEECH: Hardwood. From Europe. Hard, tough, very strong and straight. Good finish, turns well. Prone to warping. Used for workshop benches, toys and interior furiture.

ASH: Hardwood. From Europe. Tough, flexible (good elastic properties). Works and finshes well. Used for sports equiptment, ladders, tool handles and laminated furniture.

ELM: Hardwood. From Europe. Tough, durable,fairly strong. Turns well, prone to warping. Used for garden furniture, interior furniture and wood turning.

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Timbers - Softwood

SCOTS PINE: Softwood. From North Europe. Knotty and prone to warping. Used for floorboards and toys.

PARANA PINE: Softwood. From S America.Hard, straight grain, durable, smooth finish. Easy to ork, usually knot free. Used for quality softwood joinery.

WHITEWOOD: Softwood. From N Europe, USA and Canada. Fairly strong but not durable. Easy to work, resistant to splitting. Used for general interior work. 

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Manufactured boards

Are man-made and often use unwanted products of woods. Sections of timber, thin veneers or wood particles glued together and compressed.


  • Come in wide boards, wider than timber.
  • Can cover large areas at a cheap cost.
  • In plywood, alternating grains at 90degrees increases strength.
  • A lot cheaper than natural timber.
  • Veneers can be used to cover unplesent surfaces.


  • Screws and nails find it hard to stay attatched.
  • Edges and surfaces can be unplesant.
  • Some split easily and absorb water and are hard to seal and finish.
  • Dust from boards like MDF are dangerous to inhale.
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Finishes - Painting

Involves the application of many coats. Before painting, wood should be sealed with shellac.

Painting is a time consuming finishing process.

  • OIL BASED- known as glossy paints. Available in a wide range of colours. Durable and waterproof. Used on windows, doors and boats.
  • EMULSION- Available in Vinyl or acrylic resin. Water based but not waterproof.
  • POLYURETHANE- Tough and scratch resistant. Harden wghen exposed to air. Commonly used on childrens toys.
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Finishes - Varnish

Varnishes are plastic type of paint made from synthetic resins. When dried, they provide a tough waterproof and heatproof finish to the wood or manufactured board surface.

  • POLYURETHANE- Come in a wide variety of colours and different finishes (matt, gloss or satin.) Best applied in thin coats and rubbed down between each coat with glass paper.
  • ACRYLIC - Relativly new in comparison to Polyurethane. Dry faster and have less odour. The brushes can be cleaned in water not solvent. More enviromentally friendly.
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