Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde Quotes



-"ape-like fury"
-"Seizing, suprising and revolting"
-"smile was struck out of his face"
-"shrank back with a hissing intake of breath"
-"broke out in a great flame of anger"
-physically repulsive
-"like some damned juggernaut"
-"hardly human"
-not fully formed in his evil
-physically small because he is morally small
-"savage laugh"
-"pale and dwarfish"
-represents dangerous elements of London in Victorian period
-pure evil

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Enfield, Utterson & Lanyon


-"the man trampled calmly over the child's body"
-"like some damned juggernaut"

-"Mr Hyde was pale and dwarfish"
-"Satan's signature upon a face"
-"the man seems hardly human"
-thinks Jekyll is being blackmailed by Hyde

-"unscientific balderdash"
-"O God"
-"My life is shaken to the roots"
-"It is a question of weeks"

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-"a great chocolate-coloured pall lowered over heaven"
-"the dismal quarter of Soho ... like a district of some city in a nightmare"
-dark streets
-Late victorian era
-Smog filled
-19th century
-rich vs poor
-Hyde's house represents Hunter's house
-Danvers Carew represents Victorian society

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-Jack the Ripper

-Gothic Literature

-Allegory - hidden message

-Medical discoveries

-Science vs religion

-Duality of man

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-"the place is really not fit"
-"this is a matter I thought we dropped"
-"I will never set eyes on him again"
-"the man is not trulu one but truly two"
-"I learned to recognise the ... duality of man"
-"my devil had longed been caged, he came out roaring"
-"the spirit of hell awoke in me and raged"
-"the power of Hyde seemed to have grown"
-well respected scientist
-"every mark of capacity and kindness"
-too weak to contain Hyde

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R+J Mecutio & Benvolio


-"ask for me tomorrow and you shall find me a grave man"
-"a plague o'both your houses"
-"make it a word and a blow"

- peacemaker
-"I pray thee, good mercutio, lets retire"
-"Here comes the furious Tybalt"

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