  • Created by: molly_axx
  • Created on: 07-01-19 08:46

What to look at:

-  17 loci.

-  Each loci has 2 short tandem repeats.

-  Variations in length called alleles.

-  32 number string.

-  Sex markers.

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Removal of DNA from source- may need care if sample is old/small.

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2) PCR

Polymerase Chain Reaction- biological photocopier, makes copies of sample DNA to increase samaple to testing size.

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DNA is run through a gel which acts as a biological sieve and separates DNA by size- smaller fragments travel faster than larger ones.

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Obtaining the profile

-  Number from DNA compared to number from reference sample.

-  Match presented as a probability.

-  If no match, sample put on NDNAD.

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Non-Routine Samples

-  Very small amounts of DNA can use Low Copy Number (LCN) or Low Template (LT) DNA.

-  Same process but more PCR cycles.

-  Mitochondrial DNA for degraded bones and teeth- more stable and lasts longer.

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Paternity Testing

-  Use samples collected from relatives.

-  mtDNA from Mitochondrial DNA Profiling.

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YSTR Profiling

-  Targets Y chromosomes with STR alleles.

-  Small amounts of male DNA.

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