Divining (1984) - Judith Jamison


Subject Matter

- 'Divining is mysterious, its title suggesting a search or quest' - Jamison 1994

- It was Jamison's first choreographic work.

- It explores the idea of a group of people journeying into a new space.

- The runners go ahead to explore the unknown space.

- The leader is a strong female (a common feature in Jamison's work) who arrives to 'rest' in the space and 'bless' the ground.

- Her 'people' then enter and celebrate before moving on.

- It's an abstract work in three sections - Seeking, Resting, Moving On.

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Aural Setting

- A percussive, tribal influenced, score.

- Created in collaboration with Monti Ellison and Kimati Dinizulu.

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Physical Setting

- Lighting: throughout the three sections pink and blue tones are incorporated, gobos are used to create a dappled, leaf-like effect on the floor and cyc - suggesting a natural environment, darker lights are introduced in the second section with a pool of light to highlight the soloist.

- Haze is added throughout the work to create a sense of mystery.

- Costume: the dancers are dressed in all white (leotards and leggings) with chiffon skirts over the top, sections one and two are seen in white skirts, section three skirts are changed to varying lengths of skirt and shades of red.

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