Divine Command Theory and Ethical Egoism


Divine Command Theory

This is an ethical theory that believes that an action's status as good or bad is completely commanded by God.

Robert Adams (1937-) 

Developed "Modified Command Theory", he starts by saying that in normal command theory God commands moral truths 

He says that it is logically possible for God to command cruelty because he is omnipotent

however, it would be unthinkable for him to do so as he is omnibenevolent 

  • proposes that an action is morally wrong if it defies an all loving God 
  • if cruelty was commanded it would be morally wrong and not have to be obeyed 
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Challenges to DCT - Euthyphro dilemma

The Euthyphro dilemma - was proposed by Plato

Plato asked. " are actions moral because they God says that they are moral, or does God command actions because they are moral." 

it is possible for God to command something that humans consider to be immoral, however, does God commanding it then make it moral, therefore by not obeying we are being immoral. 

Divine command theory may consider this to be a moral truth and therefore God can command cruelty 

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The Arbitrariness Problem

Divine Command Theory suggests that God decides morality randomly and on a whim rather than through reason or a system.

If this is true it appears that what is good or bad is based on  God's whims. 

Whims are not an adequate basis for making decisions about morality 

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The Pluralism Objection

  • It is impossible to know which gods or religion is to be followed: as there are so many in the world. 
  • some religions contradict each other. this makes it impossible to accept all of them  
  • if one person believes that one religion is correct there still remains a plurality of understanding between different groups within the religion 
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Ethical Egoism

Ethical Egoism is the idea that people should carry out action in their own self-interest

Ethical egoism is a consequentialist theory( the end justifies the means) 

  • if the consequences of an action are positive for the person carrying them out, they are thought of as ethically good
  • e.g lying about a certain situation to defend oneself 
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Contrast with Altruism

Altruism is the idea that moral agents ( people ) have a responsibility to help others.

  • this is the opposite to ethical egoism
  • altruist actions are carried out to benefit others and are selfless actions 
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Matches with Psychological needs and Long term nee

It has been theorised that humans live to maximise pleasure. this is supported by the philosopher Epicurus, He argued that human behaviour was motivated by pleasure. 

Psychological egoism is the idea that humans are motivated by self-interest even if it appears as an act of altruism.

In ethical egoism long term interests take over that of short-term interests take priority.

fleeting pleasure takes a back seat 

James Rachel states - Ethical Egoism endorses selfishness but does not endorse foolishness 

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Max Striner's Version of Egoism

He was a German Philosopher (1806-1856)

According to Steiner

  • All our actions are done for self-interest
  • Rejection of material gain 
  • Union of Egoists 
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1) All our actions are done for self interest

Stiner states that self-interest should be the root cause of an individual's actions 

He argued that even "love" is an example of selfishness. he sees other people as a source of self-enjoyment. " for

" for me, you are nothing more than food" - Max Striner 

he justifies this statement by claiming that all individuals are unique at should not allow anyone to restrict or deny their uniqueness 

we must treat ourselves as the highest beings

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Rejection of Material Gain

he rejects that ethical egoism is about monetary gain 

  • greed is a part of the ego and to spend life chasing after that part of out ego
  • he called that side of egoism " Onesided narrow egoism"
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Union of Egoists

  • this is an alternative way of organising society

the union would be based on 

  • Free agreement 
  • equality for all 
  • mutual self-interest of those involved 
  • exists purely to help the individual achieve their own goals

The unions would exist to ensure that an individuals self-enjoyment would be maximised. they would not have to sacrifice anything while belonging to the union 

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Challenges to Ethical Egoism

1)  Destruction of Community ethos 

Community ethos can be seen as a group of people working together for the greater good of their community. e.g. a homeless charity 

moral agents would then only focus on their own needs and ignore community needs which rely on altruism

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Social injustices

ethical egoism encourages social injustice as self-interest takes priority, others may then suffer due to this .

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Ethical egoism as a form of Bigotry

Bigot- a person who is prejudice and intolerant of people of other communities.

Ethical Egoism devices people, Ourselves and everyone else that can be used for one's own pleasure 

This can lead to discrimination of other people on the basis of self-interest 

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