

Nutrient groups

Protein - growing and repair

Carohydrates - Provides energy

Fats - Provides energy, protection and insolation

Fibre - For the somooth running of the digestive system

Vitamins and Minerals - to guard against deficiency diseases


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Process of Digestion

The process of digestion is the breakdown of food into soluable substances, and the passage into the bloodstream. The food molecules are too large to pass through the walls of the small intestine and need to be broken down by enzymes. Salivary amylase is produced in the mouth. Protease in acid is produced in the stomach. Protease, carbohydrase andlipase are produced in the pancreas.

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Parts of the Digestive System

                              Image result for digestion system simple

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A large starch molecule is made up of many glucose molecules. Starch is broken down by amylase enzymes to give glucose and othersimple sugers.

A large fat molecule is made up of faty acids and glycerol. Fats are broken down by lipase molecules to give individual faty acid and glycarol molecules.

A proten molecule consists of many amino acid moecules. Proteins are broken down by protease enzymes to give individual amino acid molecules.

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Adaptations of the small intestine

The small intestine has three adaptations to help it to function as quick and easily as possible. These adaptations are:

  • Large surface area
  • Rich blood supply
  • Thin membrane

These adaptations are helpful, because:

  • The large surface area can help by allowing more molecules to diffuse at onece, thus making the rocess quicker
  • The rich blood supply can help, because then the nolecules don't have to journey to get to the bloodstream
  • The thin mmbrne can help so the diffusion process is quicker
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