
  • Created by: francesca
  • Created on: 30-03-17 18:09


Balanced dieta diet consisting of a variety of different types of food and providing adequate amounts of the nutrients necessary for good health.

Exercise = physical activity done primarily to improve health and fitness

diet the kinds of food that a person habitually eats.

work = activity involving mental or physical effort done in order to achieve a result.

rest = cease work or movement in order to relax, sleep, or recover strength.

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Balanced Diet








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Energy and Endurance

Macro nutrients: carbohydrates, proteins and fats

Micro nutrients: vitamins, minerals and fibres

Complex and simple carbohydrates:

complex= starch

simple= sugars

starch is stored energy and sugar is quick release energy.

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Minerals and Vitamins


calcium- helps with bone development, helps blood clotting and is important for mucle functions

iron- for blood production and haemoglobin


A- for vision, skin and growth. Found in green&yellow vegetables and dairy

B- for energy release, red blood cells and skin. In milk, egg, fish/meat and bread

C- for skin, cells and iron. Found in fruit and vegetables

D- For calcium and bones. Found in margarine and oily fish

E- For skin, immune system and eyes. Found in plant oils and nuts/seeds

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Exercise and Diet

What is carbo-loading?

Carbo-loading is where athletes eat foods high in carbs before an event so that they have a stock of glycogen. This is useful in competition because it reduces fatigue and helps maintain high standard of performance for longer.

What is blood shunting?

This is when blood is distributed where it is needed. During exercise blood is distributed to the muscles as they need oxygen rather than to places like the digestive system.

Why is it important to leave time between eating and exercise?

So your food has time to digest and you don't get a stich (pain in the stomach) due to blood shunting.

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