Descriptive statistics


Measures of central tendency

(technical term for average)

Mode - best for nominal data because it is only possible to say which category had the most​.

Strength: gives you the most popular answer.

Median – best for ordinal data because the scale is unscientific, complex averages with decimal places aren’t appropriate​.

Strength: less affected by extreme scores or anomalies.

Mean – best for interval and ratio data because they are scientific scales so complex averages with decimal places are completely meaningful​.

Strength: all the data used to calculate the mean - makes it more sensitive.

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Measure of dispersion

Shows us how consistent the results are. The smaller the more the consistency, the bigger the number the more discrepancy. Lower measures of dispersion show more consistent and reliable results​

Range – the highest score minus the lowest score. A higher range means more dispersion of results​.

Best for ordinal data because you don’t end up with a decimal. :)

Massively influenced by anomalies :(

Standard deviation – a more precise calculation that uses all scores. A higher SD shows that the scores are more dispersed from the mean​.

Strength: uses all scores to calculate the mean. :)

More sensitive - mostly used for interval or ratio. :(

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