Dental examination for caries for infants and children


Dental examination for caries

Tooth decay is whenacids in the mouth dissolve the outer layers of the teeth. It is also known as dental decay or dental caries. 

Symptoms of tooth decay can include toothache, pain when eating or drinking and visible discolouration seen as spots on the teeth. 

The mouth is full of bacteria which combine with small food particles and saliva to form a sticky film known as plaque which builds up on the teeth. Over time, acid in plaque begins to break down the tooth's surface. Left untreated, plaque can completely destroy the outside of the tooth and expose the nerves leading to toothache.

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How the test is performed

  • Before the exam, the dentist will discuss the procedure with the parents of the child.
  • In infancy, dentists start looking at children when the first tooth appears; this helps the child get used to going to the dentist.
  • Dentist will ask the parents & look on databases to find patient history.
  • Dentist will begin the exam by lying the child back on the dental chair. All teeth are examinged clinically for dental caries.
  • A bright light is used to ensure good visibility. A mirror and explorer can be used to examine the teeth for evidence of dental caries. Mirror can be used to relect light, to allow for indirect vision and retract the tongue.
  • The dental explorer can be used as a tactile device to detect the presence of any consistency changes in the pits, fissures and grooves of the teeth.
  • Compressed air can be used to dry teeth and remove debris in order to allow for better visual examination. A small flashlight can be used to detect dental caries on anterior teeth.

Clinically, a number of colour changes may be seen with dental caries. A dentist must examine these areas carefully to determine whether stained areas are also cavitated.

All positive results will be documented in the patient record and when older may involve x-rays. 

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Positive: Treatment will be needed and a filling may be required.

Negative: No carious lesions have been detected and the teeth are healthy.

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