Data, information ad knowledge

  • Data: Data is raw facts and figures
  • Information: Data which has been processed by the computer. It has context which makes it meanigful
  • Knowledge: Knowledge is derived from information by applying rules to it

Data information and knowledge

  • Data:raw facts and figures
  • Information: data which has been processed by the computer. It has context which makes it meaningful
  • Knowledge: Knowledge is derived from information by applying rules to it. 


Data: 80  Raw figure

Information: 80mph Has meaning and is in context

Knowledge: The speed limit is 60mph. You are breaking the law. Rule applied

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gigo: if you put in incorrect data you get the wrong thing out. 

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DATA LOGGING: is the automatic recording of data as it is produced

Analogue sensors: measure variations

E.G. Air pressure, temperature, wind speed

Digital sensors: measure on/off statuses i.e a complete circuit broken

E.G. pressure pads, magnetic, switches

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