Culture in the USSR

  • Created by: elle1999
  • Created on: 02-03-16 18:40

Culture under Lenin

Classic culture

Wanted to keep artists on his side

Ministery of culture

Proletarian culture

Reenactment of sieze of the winter palace.

Avante garde- experiment



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Culture under Stalin

Cultural revolution

Cult of the little man

'boy meets girl meets tractor'

Komsomol attacked bourgeoise elements

Socialist realism

Inspired people to see Soviet union in an idealised way

Union of Soviet writers

Art- Avante garde- abstract rejected

Literature- story of the little man- lowbrow.

Music- military failed more than jazz

Architecture- stalinist baroque

Film- October

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Culture under Khrushchev

De- stalinisation

One day in the life


New themes

Dr Zhivago banned.

Non conformity not encouraged

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Culture under Brezhnev

Easier climate to work in

continued to push boundaries

Sexual themes harder to be pushed through than political


Trial of Brodsky- 1964. Sentenced to five years and didn't have license for poetry. 

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