Cuboidal Epiththelium


-Cube-shaped, long as they are wide

-Have nuclei and occur in the centre of the cell


-Secreation and absorbtions


Cuboidal Epithelium


-Cube shaped, as long as they are wide

-Have nuclei and occur in the centre of the cell


-Secretion and absorbtion

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Columar Epithelium

Location: - lines alimentary canal especially the stomach and small intestine.Perfom sensory function n nose, ears and taste buds.


-Elongated and colum-shaped

-Have nuclei that occor at the base of the cells

-Goblet cells (which secret mucus) occur between these cells


-Absorbtion, secretion and sensation (sensory nfunction)

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Cilliated Epithelium

Location: - lines the nasal cavitis, trachea and bronchi in the lungs. It also accors in the sensory organs eg: the ear aswell as in the fallopian tubes and uterus.


-Have cilia

-Have goblet cells

-Look similar to the Columanar Epithelelium


-Traps dust in mucus, insures that it is expelled.

-Helps detect stimuloi in sensory organs.

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Areoler Connective Tissue

Location: Forms a continous layer beneath the skin and lossely connects the skin to the underllying muscles. Fills spaces between organs, blood vessels, nerves and muscles.


-Matrix is Jelly-like

-Yellow elastic fibres (branched)

-White inelastic collogen fibres (parralel)


-Insulating material

-Protects organs by serving as a packing tissue ie: around kidneys

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Dense Connective Tissue

Tendons: muscle to bone -inelastic cannot strecth

Ligaments: bone to bonen -elastic and can strech

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- Forms part of the endoskeleton in verabrates 1. Hyaline 2. Finoubourus 3. Elastic

-Between bones, lines joints forms permanent structures (pinna of the nose and C-shape rings in trache)


-Tough rubbery matrix that mainly consits of the protein chondrin. Has chrondrocytes responsinble for the secretion of the matrix.


-Connects bones to eachother ie: ribs to breastbone, shock absorber between vertabrae

-Makes Joint cavities, prevents friction in joints, keeps ctubes open (ie. trachea)

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Location: Occurs in various bones of the endoskeleton


-Hard matrix of calcium phosphate and cacium carbonate, Has haversian canals that contain blood vessels, nerves and lymphatic vessels.

-On the outside bone is enclosed by a fiborus membrane, the periosteum.


-Shape and rigidty of the body

-Protects organs

-Serves as a place for attachement of muscle development to make movement possible

-Minerals are stored here

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Location: Circulates in blood vessels of the blood system


-Matrix is know as the blood plasma:  Transports nurtients, hormones and waste products, regulates blood tempreture.

-1. Ererocytes: No nuclei, biconcave cantain heomoglobin which binds and transports O2 and C02, gives blood its red colour, high atmospheric pressure (ses) means less redbloodcells 2. Leucocytes: larger with no fixed shape, have a nucleus, Protecf body from diseases and infections, produces antibodies 3.  Throbocytes: have no nuclei, blood-clotting

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Striated Muscle Tissue

Location: attached to bone and results in the movemet of the skeleton. (skeletal muscle)


-Made up of large muscle finres-a long cylindircal cell, the contain light aqnd dark bands, consists of sarcoplasm, oval nuclei and mitrochondria, each fibre counstists of thousands of myofibrils.


-Works in pairs contracting and relaxing voluntarily and resluts in coordinated movemenent of specific body parts.

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Smooth Muscle Tissue

Location: in the walls of the alimentary canal, bladder, blood vessels and uterus. it is NOT attavhed to bone.

Structure: spindle shaped fibres, wit one large nuclues per fibre. consits of sarcoplasm and surrounded by sarcolemma.


-involuntary conraction and relaxtation in slow, rythmetic movements. Peristalsis. and regulates blood flow.

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Cardiac Muscle

Location: only occurs in the walls of the heart.

Structure: Consits of branched muscle fibres that are connected to eachother by muscular bridges.

-fibres are cross-striated but only have a single nuclues in each fibre.


-Displays automatism: involuntary contraction and relaxtion of the heart.

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Nerve Tissue

Location: Forms the brain and spinal chord and is know as the central and peripheral nervous system.


-Cell body, Dendrites (nerve impulse to the cell body) and axon (away from the cell body) -iclosed in myelin sheath 9insulates and increases speed of nerve impulses)

1. Sensrory -coduct nerrve impulses from receptors to CNS, 2. Motor -from CNS to effectors (muscles and glands) 3. Interneurons -betwen sensory and motor neurons.

Function: allows anorganism to percieve stimuli and respond to transmitting impulses

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