crime and the media


Media representations of crime

Soothill and Wallaby had found **** cases increased to over 1/3 by 1985

William and Dickinson found that media devote 30% to crime and focus on violent and sexual acts having 46% focus but actaully only makes up 3% of total police reports

Felton- age and dramatic fallacy- over exaggerating acts of crime and overplay extroadinary crimes

Portrays older and middle class at a higher chance of being the victim

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News value and crime coverage

Cohen and Young found that news is manufactured and is a social construction, it isnt discovered

look for novely, unexpectedness and excitment. Follows certain guidlines to put crime in the media

immediacy- up to date

personalisation- strikes personal connect to strike empathy

simplification- is it simple and easy to understand

dramatisaton- needs to have drama

higher status- does it involve well known/ influential people e,g famous

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Global cyber crime

wall identifies 4 categories

cyber tresspass- crossing boundaries

cyber deception/ theft

cyber ***********

cyber violence

they are given low priroty due to lack of excitment

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Moral Panics

media can cause crime through labelling

moral entrepeuners with high status can disapprove of certian behaviour and use the media to put presuure on the authorities to create a law against it

1960s the media identified a group called the fold devils a threat to societal values presenting a negative stereotype

the higher status individuals crack down creating a self fullfilling prophecy

the mods and rockers in the 60s at coastal resorts created conflict between 2 groups of people and social class- they had a stereotype and rebelled

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Does the media cause crime

Schram- for young TV isnt harmful or beneficial

Scheisinger and TUmber found a correlation between media and the fear of crime

according to Livingstone, people continue to blame TV and media as a influence on child behaviour becuase it distracts the effectiveness on child due to the desire to protect the innocence of childhood as a regard of the private sphere

in the 1920/30s it was the concern of cinema however, in modern society its rap lyrics games and music vidoes

its acts as role models and transmits ideas into peoples heads apparently increasing the rate of crime

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Fictional representations of crime

according to Surette, fictional representations of crime follow what he calls the law of opposites opposing official stats

property crimes are under represented

fictional police succeed

fictional sex crimes are committed by psychos and villians who are white middle class

according to mandell- 1945-84 100+ crime thrillers were sold worldwide

20% of films are crime and 25% of prime TV

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