crime and punishment



The importance of justice to muslims- It is a key idea promoted in the Qur'an, The shari'ah law has strict rules about justice, The 5 pillars support the idea of justice, In order to reach the afterlife muslims must act justly!

'be persistently standing firm in Justice' - Qur'an

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Crime- when an action is commited against the state.

Muslim teachings about the problem of crime

-Allah orders justice 'indeed, Allah orders justice and good conduct'

-crime is a distraction from Allah

-The Ummah has a duty to support and help others

- Muhammud taught that you should not commit crimes

Ways Muslims are trying to reduce crime

Muslim chaplains' Assosciation- works towards resettling prisoners when released and provides support for those in and having just been released from prison.

Mosaic- support people from deprived communities

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Good, Evil and Suffering

Muslims believe that helping others and leading a good life will result in an afterlife, (Al-jannah)

Whereas muslims who carry out crimes that inflict evil and suffering will be punished in Jahannam. 'he has prepared for them a painful punishment'

Non religious attitudes to suffering-

Humans make their own decisions and should be responsible for them, There is no afterlife, Evil and suffering are not punishments, we have no control over natural evil, the existence of evil and suffering prove that there is no god.

Muslim responses to suffering-

Suffering is part of Allah's plan, suffering is a reminder of sin, some suffering is due to Humans and their free will, good can be a result of suffering.

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Importance of punishment to Muslims- 

- makes a peaceful society as Allah intended

-makes amends for the crime

-prevents furthur crimes

- gives offenders a chance to change their behaviour       ' but whoever trangresses after that 

Why punishment is needed in society                                will have a painful punishment'

- maintains law and order

-sets expected behaviour 

- makes victims safe

-gives offenders a chance to reflect

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Aims of punishment


To protect the victim and others from the criminal. 


Punishment should make criminals pay for what they have done


Punishment should dicourage people from committing the crime again.


Punishment should allow the criminal to change themselves and learn from their mistakes, the Qur'an supports this idea by encouraging forgiveness.

'Allah wants to accept your repentance'

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'Allah is forgiving and merciful' 

' the lord of mercy'

Being forgiven is important to criminals as it helps them reintegrate in to society without tension. As well as this it allows them to make amends for their crime.

Nature and importance of forgiveness

- allah is compassionate and merciful and so muslims should be to

-if someone truly repents then they should be forgiven

- islam is a religion of peace

-on the day of judgement people will be judged and those who repent will be forgiven

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Treatment of criminals

Muslim teachings about the treatment of Criminals-

The use of torture- Muslims believe that inflciting any pain is wrong and that they should respect allah's creation and therfore treat them with respect

Human rights- Muslims believe that although their freedom is taken away they should still treated as a human

Fair trial- Both sides of the case are considered

' and they give food in spite of love for it to the needy, the orphan and the captive'

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The death penalty

' fair retribution saves lives'- could be used to argue both sides of the argument

The purpose of Capital punishment- To offer punishment for the most severe crimes, to act as a deterrance, to give closure to the victims and their families.

Muslim attitudes


The shari'ah law and the Qur'an support the use of the death penalty

- mUhammud agreed with the death penalty

- Muhammud sentenced people to death in Medinah for committing murder.


The Qur'an states that the death penalty is not the only option

-Their are strict conditions for the death penalty  - life is special and sacred and so shouldn't be killed

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