Craik and Lockhart (1972) LOP

Types of Rehearsal

  • Craik and Lockhart (1972) proposed that there are two different types of rehearsal.
  • Types I/maintenance rehearasal - we rehearse the information in order to preserve it for a short time, but it us unlikely to result in LTM.
  • Type II/Elaborative rehearsal- refers to a deeper concentration of the information, often by giving it meaning, thus is more likely to result in a more durable memory being established.
  • Created by: anisha
  • Created on: 06-11-12 19:09

Craik and Tulving (1972) LOP model of memory

Types of Rehearsal

  • Craik and Lockhart (1972) proposed that there are two different types of rehearsal.
  • Types I/maintenance rehearasal - we rehearse the information in order to preserve it for a short time, but it us unlikely to result in LTM.
  • Type II/Elaborative rehearsal- refers to a deeper concentration of the information, often by giving it meaning, thus is more likely to result in a more durable memory being established.
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