Conservation and Sustainable Development

  • Created by: Megan
  • Created on: 23-02-14 14:13

Why Conserve Plants and Invertebrates?

  • maintain biodiversity and wildlife corridors
  • habitats
  • food source
  • Biological Resource

Wildlife Corridors:- a route or pathway allowing movement of insects to sites fo refuge or habitats

Biological Resources:- A living organism that is renewable and of use to humans

  • food source
  • help to pollinate plants
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Dynamic Conservation

  • Preservation of organisms/environments that are at risj from human actvityy, over farming, pollution, building, introduction of new psecies. Protecting areas of land, currently unaffected by humans in their unused form
  • Requires management to poissbly reclaim an ecosystem or create a new habitat
  • resolves conflict between local inhabitants, tourists and legislations - National Parks, SSSIs, CITES and EIA.

SSSI - sites of special scientific interest

CITES - Convention on International Trade in Endangered Speciies of wild fauna and flora

EIA - Environmental Impact Assessment

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Sustainable Production

...products are harvested at levels which leave suffficient orgnaisms to grow and repriduce - it can be carried out indefinitely and similar quantities of products are harvested every year...

Timber Planting

  • Native trees planted - sustainable in the environment
  • saplings are spced to reduce competition
  • Young trees are supported and protected to prevent damage from grazers
  • Confiers (planted for fast growth) and decidious broadleved species are planted to create/protect different habittats and increase aesthetic effects 

Deciduous plants lose leaves to reduce water loss and reduce wind damage

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Pollarding and Coppicing

Pollarding:- cutting higher up trees to avoid deer and grazers eating the stems - they produce wildlife corridors

Coppicing:- cutting trees close to the ground so new growth forms - produces small diameter stems for fencing, firewood, furniture 

Different area are coppiced or pollarded each year to allow regrowth and provide different habitats, increasing biodiversity.

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