
Stalin 1917-41

  • Created by: Charlotte
  • Created on: 03-05-08 14:55


Why did Stalin industrialise?

Economic -

>USSR's economy was backward

>Damaged infrastructure after World War I

>Reduced trade after Communist takeover 1917

>5 Year Plans would ensure state control over all materials and adequate distribution of resources to aid urban growth

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Why did Stalin industrialise?

Rank and File Party Members -

>Rapid industrialisation would sweep away the old system

>As the 1920s wore on, they became disillusioned with the revolution

>Stalin's personal power would extend throughout the course of the Plans

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Why did Stalin industrialise?

Communist Power-

> To industrialise was patriotic

> The anti Communist sentiment provided an incentive for people to highlight the flaws of Capitalism

> The rise of Hitler and the Wall Street crash opened up opportunities for this

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Why did Stalin industrialise?

Fear of Foreign Invasion -

> Suspicious of the West; they may try to invade and destroy Communist Russia

> Memories of the Civil War reiterated their unpopularity with the rest of the world

> They would be crushed if their economy could not match that of the West

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Why did Stalin industrialise?

Stalin's Personal Gain -

> NEPmen, kulaks and the bourgeoise pushed for largescale revolution, but Stalin believed they compromised the position of the peasantry and held it back

> The proletariat - the backbone of the revolution - would grow with industrialisation

> Socialism couldn't survive in a non industrial society, and industrialisation was imperative for the survival of the revolution

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