Communicable Diseases




  • 1) Bacteria are very small cells and can reproduce rapidly in your body.
  • 2) They can make you fell ill by producing toxins that damage your cells and tissues.


  • 1) They are not cells and, like bacteria, can reproduce rapidly in your body.
  • 2) They live inside your cells and replicate themselves using the cells' machinery to do so.
  • 3) The cell will usually then burst releasing all the new viruses.
  • 4) This cell damage is what causes you to feel ill.


  • 1) Some fungi are single-celled.
  • 2) Others have a body which is made up of hyphae (thread-like structures)
  • 3) These hyphae can grow and penetrate human skin and the surface of plants, causing diseases.
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Bacterial Diseases


  • 1) It is a sexually transmitted disease and STIs are passed on by sexual contact.
  • 2) Gonorrohoea is caused by bacteria.
    • A person with gonorrhoea will get pain when they urinate. 
    • Another symptom is a thick yellow or green discharge from the vagina or penis.
    • It was originally treated with an antibiotic called penicillin, but this has become trickier now because of the strains of the bateria have become resistant to it.
    • To prevent the spread of gonorrhoea, people can be treated with antibiotics and should use barrier methods of contraception, such as condoms.
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