coasts case study: causes and effects of cliff collapse- Holderness coast

information on the causes of erosion and the effects of it at Holderness


causes of erosion

  • strong prevailing winds increasing the amount of lond shore drift- beaches can't always protect the cliff
  • soft clay cliff whcih erodes 10m a year
  • mass movement- impermable clay, as rain soaks in the cliff slumps down
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How people worsen the situation

  • groynes built at mappleton to stop long shore drift, this has increased erosion south of Mappleton as less sediment can get to beaches

              - erosion has increased by 3 times

              -farmland and houses lost in undefended areas

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  • homes and businesses lost or at threat of erosion
  • house prices rise
  • harder to insure houses
  • lifeboat station on end of spurn point at risk of being cut off from the mainland
  • whole villages could be lost- 100 vilages have been lost in past 2000 years
  • transport links destroyed- mainroad between hornsea and Wiithersea under threat


  • british gas works at risk of erosion- energy could be lost for 1000's
  • fertile agricultural land lost
  • loss of tourism- attractive area for tourism
  • tourism also effected because caravan parks are destroyed or have to be moved back, the threat of erosion puts tourists off.
  • businesses lost
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  • Mappleton- groynes built to build up the beach, no longer at rick from erosion but has increased erosion down the coast
  • Withersea beach- sea wall built

                                     - rock armour

  • spurn point spit- groynes built
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Kia Trezisee Rochester


cheers babe.

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