Classifications of Disorders.

Disorders section for OCR psychology at A2 level. 


Anxiety Disorder; Phobias.

Anxiety Disorder; This form of disorder gives a continuous feeling of fear and anxiety which is disabling and can impose on daily functioning. They can be triggered by non-existent threats. Phobias. Where an object or a situtation provokes an immeidate response.

Phsyical symptoms ;shortness of breath, feel intense terror, begin to lose control.Phobias can disrupt everyday life. 

DSM-IV CLASSIFICATION; fear is recognised as excessive, lasted more than 6 months (U18s), disrupts normal life. 

ICD-10 CLASSIFICATION; phobic situation is avoided where possible, anxiety must be restricted to the presence of the particular phobic object/situation. 

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Affective Disorder; Depression.

Affective Disorders; This form of disorder means that the characteristics of moods are disabling. This means the disorder prevents the individual from leading a normal life. In this form of disorder a persons fundamental mood is changed. Depression. More than just feeling down, patients with this disorder offer suffer from extreme emotions.

Symptoms; reduced concentration, lack of self esteem, disturbed eating/sleeping patterns.

DSM-IV CLASSIFICATION; insomnia, tiredness, less ability to concentrate, feelings of worthlessness and guilt

ICD-10 CLASSIFICATION; depressed mood, loss of interest and enjoyment, redcued energy, bleak/pessimistic views of future.

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Psychotic Disorder; Schizophrenia.

Psychotic Disorder; This form of disorder means someone has a general loss of contact with reality. It can lead to withdrawal from the outside world as a person becomes disorientated. Schizophrenia. A disorder where patients become disconnected with the real world, often hearing voices.

Symptoms;, loss of normal characteristics, hearing voices, disorganisation.

DSM-IV CLASSIFICATION; delusions, hallucinations, disorganised behaviour, negative symptoms.

ICD-10 CLASSIFICATION; delusion of control, incoherance or irrelevant speech, catatonic behaviour, hallucinatory voices.

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