Classical conditioning key terms

  • Created by: imy666
  • Created on: 16-04-16 17:51


A stimulus which weakens behaviour because it is unpleasent and we try to avoid it

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A consequence of behaviour that encourages or strengthens a behaviour; this might be seen as a reward.

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Positive reinforcement

A reward or pleasent consequence that increases the likelihood that a behaviour or action will be repeated.

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Negative reinforcement

When an unpleasent experience is removed after a behaviour or action has been made; this increases the liklihood of that behaviour or action being repeated 

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Behaviour shaping

Changing behaviour in small steps

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Classical conditioning

A procedure during which an animal or person learns to assosiate a reflex response with a new stimulus. 

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Unconditioned stimulus

The stimulus that produces the reflex respone; such as the food for Pavlov's dog

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Unconditioned response

The reflex response to an unconditioned stimulus, such as Pavlov's dogs salivation

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Conditioned stimulus

A new stimulus presented with the UCS, such as the bell pr metronome in Pavlov's experiment

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Conditioned response

The response that is learnt; it now occours when the CS is presented, such as Pavlovs dogs salivation

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A conditioned response which dies out

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Spontaneous recovery

A conditioned response that has disappeared suddenly appears again

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The conditioned response is produced when a similar stimulus to the original stimulus is presented

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The conditioned response is only produced when a specific stimulus is presented

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