citizenship hwk



The Equality And Human Rights Commision -

The equality and human rights commision (EHRC) monitors human rights, protecting equality across 9 grounds - age, disability, gender, race, religion and belief, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, sexual orientation and gender reassignment.

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Universal Declaration of Human Rights - 

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights (Universal Declaration) is an international document that states basic rights and fundamental freedoms to which all human beings are entitled.

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European Arrest Warrant - 

The European Arrest Warrant is an arrest warrant valid throughout all member states of the European Union. Once issued, it requires another member state to arrest and transfer a criminal suspect or sentenced person to the issuing state so that the person can be put on trial or complete a detention period.

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Roles and Powers of the Police

A police officer may stop and search any perosn or vehicle for stolen articles. They must have reasonable grounds for suspecting that they will find stolen items or prohibited articles

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Roles and Powers of the Police

The police have the statutory power to arrest someone as long the individual is involved in commiting or attempting to commit a criminal offence. The arrest is subject to strict provissions

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Roles and Powers of the Police

A police officer will normally have to obtain a warrant (court order) in order to enter and search premises. They will be awarded provided there are reasonable grounds for believing either a criminal offence has been commited or that a criminal is in place

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Criminal cases are brought on behalf of the state against the citizens for breaking the law of the land. Criminal law case, the trial is held in a Magistrates court for minor cases or the crown court for more serious offences. Minor cases such as; drink driving, grafitti and possesion of weed would be dealt with in the magistrates court. More serious offences such as; Assult, murder, **** and armed robbery would be dealt with in the crown court. 

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ACAS - Advisiory, conciliation and arbitration services

This is a crown non-department public body of the government of the United Kingdom. It improves organisations and working life through the promotion and factilation of strong relations of practise.

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