Christianity - The nature of God


God as father

In older parts of the bible god is referred to as "Father"

The title Father suggests two characteristics (his lordshipover creation and his lovig kindness)

Jesus is sopken as the "son of god" and the "son of man"

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God as female

God is desribed as a comforting mother in isiah 66:13 

Jesus uses a motherly ilustration of himself in matthew 22:37

Copares god to a women searching for a lost coin luke 15:8-10

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God as neither make nor female

Jesus said "God is a spirit" (John 4:24)

"Male and female he created them" (Genesis 1:27)

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Sallie McFague - God as mother

Writes from an ecofemenist perspective

Believes we end up worshiping a metaphor rather than god

Saying God as mother isnt saying god is female but is saying he posses more loving characteistics

Mother (contrdiction to father agapa love)

Lover (contradiction to son element of healing and the way god works in the world)

Friend (contradiction to spirit)

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Can God suffer

Traditional Christians believe that God has no human feelings and so ultimatly won't be able to suffer 

The OT says that God is omnibenevolent, omipotent and omniscient and nothing can change his emotions of his inner core

 The NT says god has become incarnated in Jesus who is human therefore he can suffer. 

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Jurgen Moltmann

Believes that in the cross of christ God experienced death

Believes christian hope is based on the ressurection but cannot be a realistic and liberating hope "unless it apprehends the pain of negative"

God suffers with those who suffer

God recognised in the suffering of christ

The crucified Jesus is God 

The christ event on the christ is a God event

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