Chaucer exam


Franklin's Tale Gender quote

"For his absence wepeth she and siketh"

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Franklin's Tale Gender quote

That hast thy housbonde in thyne armes"

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Franklin's Tale Courtly Love quote

"On Wrecche Aurelie, which that am but lorn"

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Franklin's Tale Courtly Love quote

"Madame, reweth upon my peynes smerte"

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Franklin's Tale Chivalry quote

"Ye shal youre trothe holden, by my fay!"

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Franklin's Tale Chivalry quote

"I have wel levere evere to suffer wo, than I departe the love bitwix yow two"

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Franklin's Tale Religion quote

""Allas!" quod she, "on thee Fortune I pleyne""

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Franklin's Tale Religion quote

"Appollom god and governour of every plaunte, herbe, tree and flour"

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Knight's tale Gender quote

"Thanne shall I yeve Emelya to wyve"

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Knight's tale Gender quote

"As keep me fro thy vengeaunce and thyn ire"

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Knight's tale Courtly love quote

"He cast his eye upon Emelya, and therwithal he bleynte and cried out, "Ah!""

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Knight's tale Courtly love quote

"I noot wher she be womman or goddesse"

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Knight's tale Chivalry quote

"Til that the deeth departe shal us tweyne"

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Knight's tale Chivalry quote

"Verray, parfit gentil Knyght"

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Knight's tale Religion quote

"From Pluto sent, at requeste of Saturne"

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Knight's tale Religion quote

"Fairste of fairem O lady myn, Venus"

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