Lord of the flies - Chapter 4 quotes


Chapter 4 quotes - painted faces and long hair

In this chapter the littl'uns have an encounter with the older boys and the hunters kill a pig and eat the meat with Ralph and Piggy.

In this section Henry represents power and therefore also Jack and Percival represents victimsation and therefore also Piggy and Johnny represents domination and therefore also Roger. 

In a way the littl'uns are a microcosm of the older boys - not noticing that Roger and Maurice are destroying their sand castles in the way that the older boys are not noticing the adults are destroying their world through a war.

"there was no parent to let fall a heavy hand, Maurice still felt the unease of wrong-doing" - Maurice is different to Roger in the way that he knows and cares he's doing whereas Roger does it and doesn't care - society now has barely any inlfuence on him. 

"He became absorbed beyond mere happiness as he felt himself exercising control over living things" - even the littl'uns enjoy having power over things.

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Chapter 4 quotes - painted faces and long hair

Roger is throwing stones nearby the small boy called Henry

"Here, invisble yet strong, was the taboo of old life. Round the squatting child was the protection of parents and school and policeman and the law." - Roger cannot quite hit the boy because he still feels a slight influence from society - but not enough to stop him from initially throwing the stones.

"Roger's arm was conditioned by a civilisation that knew nothing of him and was in ruins" - tells us that he cannot hit the boy but only hit near him - civilisation is in ruins because of the war. It's ironic because adults tell us not to do stuff like throw stones but then go out and shoot bullets with the intention of killing the person.

"his eyelids fluttering" - Roger's getting a kick out of throwing these stones and notice how he doesn't change throughout the book - he escalates but doesn't learn any new things (he's the same as when he arrived as when he leaves).

"the mask was a thing on its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self conciousness" - Jack can do what he wants in the mask - linking to how soliders can wear a uniform and instantly kill someone and get away with it or even awarded for it.

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