Chancellor Hohenlohe 1894-1900


What was Chancellor Hohenlohe

Chancellor Chlodwig, Prince of Hohenlohe- Schillingsfirst:

  • He was the most NOTABLE member of a princely family successively to the service of Bavaria, Prussia & imperial Germany.
  • In 1874, he was an ambassador from Germany in Paris.
  • Between 1885 and 1894, he was ambassador for Statthalter of Alsace-Lorraine.
  • He succeeded Caprivi as Chancellor of the Reich, in 1894.
  • He was little more than a puppet for the Kaiser.
  • He increased the military potential & supported the colonial expansion of its country.
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Chancellor Hohenlohe concentrated on supporting:

  • The middle class, against rhe Socialists.
  • The Kaiser described socialists as 'treasonable rabble' & 'fellows without a fatherland.'
  • Support against the socialists was never popular in the Reichstag, as they rejected the 1894 Sibversion Bill.
  • The SPD were only antagonised when they were just being reconciled to the Reich by timely concessions.
  • It was believed that the Socialists only served to widen the gulf between the monarchy & the people.
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Wilhelm embarked upon a 'world policy' known as Weltpolitik:

  • To divert attention away from the problems at home, and to appeal to his own vanity.
  • He wanted to annex colonoes all over the world, to be able to:
    • Create new economic spheres of influence.
    • Achieve world power status.
  • This policy was backed by industries, such as Krupps, Woermann & Stumm.
  • This policy also helped to spread nationalism throughout Germany.
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Hohenlohe's achievements includes:

  • The laws that were passed in 1898, 1900 and 1906.
  • He transformed the German fleet from coastal fleet to a military machine.
  • An expansive colonial policy in German held areas of Africa and the Pacific.
  • He helped to maintain this 'Place in the Sun' and protect the colonies from Britain.
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Negatives of Welpolitik

The negative points to Weltpolitik includes:

  • Weltpolitik was undertaken clumsily.
  • It only served to upset Britain and France.
  • The army was upset because the Navy suddenly was considered to be more important.
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Hohenlohe made an impact on German politics because:

  • He helped to make the German navy, one of the best in the world.

However, Hohenlohe did not make an impact on German politics because:

  • He lacked the personality to become a strong German chancellor.
  • This was because he could not make important decisions.
  • This led to a weak govt.
  • He was too dependent on the Kaiser, afraid to go against his wishes.
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