Cells and Living Processes

  • Created by: ellward
  • Created on: 16-12-13 12:41

Divsion of Labour

Each type of organelle has a specific role within the cell

The is called Division of Labour

Each organelle work together, contributing its part to the survival of the cell

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  • A network of fibres made of proteins, some called actin filaments can move against eachother causing movement such as in white blood cells
  • Other fibres known as microtubules, made of protein called tubulin can be used to move microorganisms through a liquid or waft a liquid past a cell.
  • These proteins are known as microtubule motors and use ATP to drive these movements
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Flagella and Cilia

  • Hair-like extentions that stick out from the surface of the cell
  • In ciliated epithelial tissue, the sweeping movement of the cilia move substances like mucus across the surface of the cell
  • Flagella are made of spiral protein called flagellin, they are attached by a hook to a protein at the base. Using ATP to rotate the disc and spin the flagellum
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Vesicles and Vacuoles

Vesicles are membrane bound sacs found in cells, which are used to carry many different substances around the cells

In plant cells the large vacuole is used to maintain stability, it is filled with water and siolutes so that it pushes the cytoplasm against the cell wall making the cell turgid. If all the plant cells are turgid it helps to support the plant.

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Plant Cell Walls

On the outside of the plant cells plasma membranes

Made of cellulose, a carbohydrate polymer made up of glucose subunits

The cellulose form a seive like network of strands making the wall strong

It supports the cell and helps to support the whole plant

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