
  • Created by: Bondyy1
  • Created on: 09-12-17 21:14


  • Difussion is the spreading out of particles of any substance, in a solution or gas, resulting in an overall movement from a higher concentrated are to a lower concentrated area.
  • The rate of diffusion is affected by the difference in concentrations, the temperature and the available surface area.
  • Dissloved substances such as glucose and urea and gases like oxygen and carbon dioxide move in and of cells by diffusion.
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  • Osmosis is a special case of diffusion. It is the movement of water from a dilute to more concentrated solution through a permeable membrane that allows water to pass through.
  • Differences in the concentrations of solutions inside and outside a cell cause water to move into or out of the cell by osmosis.
  • Animal cells can be damaged if the concentration outside the cell changes dramatically.
  • Osmosis is important to maintain turgor in plant cells.
  • There are a variety of practical investigations that can be used to show the effect of osmosis in plant tissues. 
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Active Transport

  • Active transport moves substances from a more dilute solution to a more concentrated solution.
  • Active transport uses energy released from food in respiration to provide the energy required.
  • Active transport allows plant root hairs to absorb mineral ions required for healthy growth from very dilute solutions in the soil. 
  • Active transport enables sugar molecules used for cell rspiration to be absorbed from lower concentrations in the gut into the blood where the concentration of sugar is higher.
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Exchanging Materials

  • Single-celled organisms have a relatively large surface area to volume ratio so all neessary exchanges with the environment take place over this surface.
  • In multicellular organisms, many organs are specialised with effective exchange surfaces.
  • Exchange surfaces usually have a large surface area and thin walls which give short diffusion distances. In animals, exchange surfaces will have an efficent blodd supply or, for gaseous exchange, be ventilated.
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