
  • Created by: Jazvina
  • Created on: 02-02-17 17:40

Prokaryote and Eukaryote Cells

As we know all living things are made up of cells.

There are two types of cells prokaryotic and eukaryotic

Eukaryotic cells are in animals and plants, these are complex cells.Eukaryotes are made up of eukaryotic cells.

Prokaryotic cells are in bacteria, these are a lot more simple and smaller.Prokaryotes are made of prokaryotic cells. This is a single-celled organism. 

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Plant and animal cells

Both animal and Plants have similar and different cell structures.

Animal cells contain:

  • Nucleus- Controls everything in the cell and has genetic information 
  • Mitochondria- Aerobic respiration takes place. It transfers energy that the cell needs, to work
  • Cytoplasm- Most of the chemical reactions take place. Have enzymes that have control these reactions 
  • Cell Membrane- Controls what goes in and out of the cell
  • Ribosomes- Where the proteins are made

Plant cells contain all this and:

  • Cell Wall- Made of cellulose, Supports the cell
  • Vacuole- Made from cell sap, which is made out of sugars and salts
  • Chloroplast- Where photosynthesis occurs, this makes food for the plants. Has chlorophyll, a green pigment that absorbs light energy for photosynthesis. 
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Bacteria Cells

These are prokaryotic cells. 

They don't have a "true" nucleus, only a single circular strand of DNA that floats in the cytoplasm. 

Contain plasmid, which is like small rings. 

Don't have mitochondria or Chloroplast.

Bacteria Cell

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