


  • Cell wall- made up of tiny fibres and supports the cell
  • Cell membrane- this is the barrier around the cell. It controls what goes in and out.
  • Cytoplasm- where the chemical reactions take place.
  • Mitochondria- this is where respiration happens and where the energy is transferred.
  • Ribosomes- protein is made here and turned into amino acids
  • Nucleus- this is the brain of the cell and controls it.(http://www.bbc.co.uk/staticarchive/f9468650f741d0b706b56c467eb28b4e02cef04d.gif)
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Specialised cells

  • Red blood cell- lacks a nucleus and has a large surface area. It's function is to bind the haemoglobin with the oxygen and to transport it around the body.
  • Phloem- Found in the roots, stems and leaves. It's function allows sugar or nutrients to move throught the plant.
  • Nerve- short extensions at end and one long nerve. Recieves pulses from other cells and impulses then travel along the nerve, which prevents the loss of impulse.
  • Xylem- Found in the roots, stems and leaves with a hardened cell wall, which is hollow inside. Transports water round the plant
  • Muscle- Cell is long, thin and full of protein. The function of it is to contract and this brings about movement.
  • Sperm- cell has a head containing a nucleus and a long tail. The tails function helps it to swim to the egg.
  • Ciliated epithial- tall column shaped cells. the function is to move the bacteria out of the windpipe.
  • Palisade mesophyll- found in the upper part of the leaf column. The function is to use the many chlorophyll that it is packed with to help absorb the light for photosynthesis.
  • Plant root hair- found in young root and helps to absorb water.
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